green geometric shape







8 - 12


# Herbstferien // 28.10 - 31.10

Calling all the scary monsters, giants, witches and funny ​mischievous little mouse to join us for four days of creativity ​and storytelling!

Do you know any scary story? Care to share it with us?

In this workshop, we will get creative and busy fashioning stories and ​trying out various printmaking techniques ranging from etching to ​letterpress and everything in between

Our theme is of course Halloween!!

Here’s a few example of what we will create together:

  • Atlas of Monsters - large scale prints in Letterpress

  • Printed scary Zine - Drypoint engraving with Tertapack

  • Print a little accessory for our costume (mask or a t-shit)

As a surprise, we’ll print delicious Trick or Treat bags!

This workshop will take place at Werkstatt für Künstlerische

Lithographie Treptow

The workshop is Bilingual - German and English

28.10.2024 - 31.10.2024 from 09:30 - 14:30

Participation fee:

four days €210 / two consecutive days €105

Registration: hadass.gilboa[a]

Blue Cloud Shape
Pair of Eyes
Pair of Eyes

Print a Zine

#G​arden Print Fest 2024

As Summer is slowly coming to an end and school, friends and ​new adventures are waiting around the corner, we invite you to get ​creative, have fun and enjoy one last summer afternoon with us!

Sabrina and Hadass, two friends and printmakers are opening up ​their little mobile Print workshop. In the garden, you can try out ​letterpress, engraving, stamping and more. Create a little Zines ​with all the lovely adventures you had this Summer!

Families are very welcome! Children must be accompanied.

The workshop is time flexible and adapted to small and big kids. ​The workshop will last approximately 45 min to one hour. You are ​welcome to join anytime!

This workshop will take place at Kulturhaus Baumschulenweg

30.08.2024 from 3 pm - 5 pm

Participation fee (per family): €10

Leporello Story

Workshop #1

Was sind Buchstaben wirklich und wie erzählen sie Geschichten?

In diesem Workshop spielen wir mit den Anfangsbuchstaben ​unserer Namen und lassen sie in unseren Geschichten lustige, ​unerwartete oder magische Rollen übernehmen.

Manchmal sind sie kleine Figuren, ein anderes Mal werden sie zu ​Gegenständen oder Tieren und tragen Schuhe oder Handtaschen. ​Ein Buchstabe kann alles sein, wir müssen nur unsere Phantasie ​benutzen.

Ein Leporello ist ein cooles mehrfach gefaltetes Buch. Wenn man ​es auseinander zieht sieht man die Geschichte als einen Zeitstrahl ​gleich auf einem Blick.

What is a Letter and how can it tell a Story?

With Leporello Story, we embark on a journey to discover the ​meaning and use of a letter. Sometimes the letter is a character in ​a story, it is also a prop or an accessory. A letter can be anything ​you want it to be!

Letters have this wonderful property of being both an abstract ​shape and a sound to produce “meaning”

This workshop playfully calls to re-invent or create new and ​magical meanings to the letters of our names.

A Leporello is a funny accordeon book. Because it can be open ​into a long strip of paper, it inherently gives the reader the sense ​of a TimeLine.

Von hier nach Da

Workshop #2

In diesem Workshop haben wir erforscht, welche Elemente auf ​einer Landkarte zu finden sind und was sie bedeuten.

Wir zeichneten unsere eigene Karte von einem erfundenen Weg ​von zu Hause zur Schule mit unerwarteten Pfaden über Leitern ​durch das Weltall und Überquerungen tiefer Meere – und was uns ​sonst noch so einfiel.

Diese Zeichnung ritzen wir in Tetra Pak Material und druckten sie im ​Tiefdruck Verfahren, anschließend falteten wir sie zu einer Pop-Up ​Landkarte.

What is a Map? Can it be considered a book?

When we use our phone to navigate or to look for routes to our ​holidays, we forget that these lovely drawings we navigate with ​were once real drawn pictures and they were the only way to know ​where you are in the world!

In this workshop, we re-discovered what makes a map: the type of ​drawings and mark making we can use, the legends, the little ​images we choose to add to mark our way.

We used Tetra-Pack as a recycled sustainable material to create ​Dry point Engraving. Engraving is a traditional printmaking technique ​usually on metal that allows to print multiple exemplars of any ​drawing/design we engrave.

By using a printing press, we printed our maps on printing papers ​and then hand coloured it. Once dried up, we folded our maps into ​little “pop-up” maps that could be carried around in our school ​bags!

Winter Snowflake Icon

Druck & Zine

Winter Snowflake Icon
Winter Snowflake Icon

Workshop #3

Druck mit uns ein kleines Zine für die Winterzeit.

Ein Zine ist ein kleines selbstgemachtes Magazin oder Heft, ​das du mit deinen Bildern und Geschichten füllen kannst.

Sabrina und Hadass laden dich zu einem besonderen Druck ​Workshop ein, in dem du mit Buchstaben druckst, eine ​Zeichnung kratzt und eigene Stempel kreierst, um ein kleines ​Zine mit deiner eigenen winterlichen Geschichte zu drucken.

The workshops took place 3 times in November/December ​2023 at the Mittelpunktbibliothek Alte Feuerwache Treptow,​ Stadtteilbibliothek Alt-Treptow Manfred Bofinger and at ​Mittelpunktbibliothek Köpenick „Alter Markt“.

The workshops were free of charge and open to all!

Der Workshop wird vom Bezirksamt Treptow-Köpenick durch ​die Mittel des Berliner Projektfonds Kulturelle Bildung ​gefördert.

About Print a Book

Our Project!

We are Hadass Gilboa and Sabrina Sundermann.

Print a Book is our joint project.

We are both artists and masters of print. Specialising in our ​respective field of printmaking (Etching and Letterpress), we ​have extensive experience in teaching and working with groups ​of various ages.

Print a Book stared out as a simple wish to collaborate, have fun ​and print together. Very fast we realised we could share our ​knowledge and love for print and storytelling with a wide ​audience ranging from kids to grown-ups.

Through this project, we want to emphasise the natural ​dependance that exists between the art of Books and ​Printmaking.

Their history is deeply intertwined as both participated in the ​distribution of knowledge, stories and creativity to people ​around the world.

In an age where the physical property of a book is continuously ​questioned, we ask our participants to look deeper, question the ​nature of a book, its power and its imperfections, to wonder ​and appreciate a new the printed object!

Contact Us:-)

Hadass Gilboa


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